One cigarette won’t kill you
Nor ten.
One pack won’t destroy you,
Nor ten.
You need a mind to know,
You need a keen sense of mind
You need a mind to know,
That something is wrong.
Sure, there are signs on the way,
Like cold morning rasps
Or those dry little coughs.
But that’s just the weather.
There’s a stitch in your side,
And forget about running,
But you explain it away,
It’s just transient, won’t stay.
You need a mind to know,
You need a keen sense of mind
You need a mind to know,
That something is wrong.
No alarm bell,
So only time will tell,
You have to know it well.
Before you know it is hell.
You need a mind to know,
You need a keen sense of mind
You need a mind to know,
That something is wrong.
You are free. Free to try.
You are free. Free to die.
You are free to take another draw.
Go beyond the very last straw.
But one day – there will be a voice in your mind. In your heart. A strange voice. Bright. Clear. Decisive. A voice wise with experience knowledgeable and true. It will say: Stop.
Of course. You can pretend you didn’t hear.